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When Can I Do Tummy Time With My Newborn

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As a new parent, you may be wondering when it’s safe to start tummy time with your newborn. Tummy time is an essential exercise that helps your baby develop crucial motor skills and strengthen their neck and upper body muscles. It’s also an excellent opportunity for bonding and playtime.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends starting tummy time as soon as possible after birth, even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time. However, some parents may feel unsure about how to begin or when the best time is to introduce this activity.

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of tummy time for your baby’s development, when to start, how to prepare for it, and tips on making it safe and fun for both you and your little one.

The Importance of Tummy Time for Your Newborn

It’s crucial for your little one to spend some time on their belly, as it helps them build strength and develop important muscles they’ll need to crawl and explore the world around them.

Tummy time benefits infants in many ways – it encourages neck and head control, which is essential for sitting up, crawling, and eventually walking. It also helps prevent flat spots from forming on the back of your baby’s head.

If you’re worried that your baby won’t enjoy tummy time or will get fussy, don’t worry! There are many tummy time alternatives you can try.

For instance, you can lay down on your back and place your baby on their stomach right above you so that they can look at your face while exercising their muscles. You can also try placing a small mirror or toy in front of them during tummy time to keep them entertained.

Remember that every baby is different, so be patient and keep trying until you find what works best for both you and your little one.

When to Start Tummy Time with Your Baby

You should start placing your baby on their stomach as soon as possible to help them develop important muscles and skills.

Tummy time is an essential part of newborn development because it helps strengthen the neck, shoulders, and upper body muscles needed for crawling, sitting up, and eventually walking.

By starting tummy time early on, you can also prevent flat spots from forming on the back of your baby’s head. While some parents may be hesitant to begin tummy time with their newborns, it’s actually safe to start right away.

You can begin by laying your baby on a soft surface such as a blanket or play mat for a few minutes at a time and gradually increase the duration over several weeks. As your baby gets stronger, they will be able to lift their head and chest off the ground and eventually push up onto their hands and knees – all important milestones in their physical development.

Remember that every baby is different so don’t worry if yours takes longer to reach these milestones than others.

How to Prepare for Tummy Time

Before your little one’s ready to lift their head and crawl, you can prepare by creating a safe and comfortable space on the floor with soft blankets or mats. Make sure the area’s free from hazards like sharp objects, loose rugs, or cords that might pose danger during tummy time. You can also invest in equipment like play mats or pillows designed for tummy time.

When starting tummy time with your newborn, keep in mind they may not stay on their stomachs for long periods right away. Begin by placing them on their belly for a few minutes at a time, gradually increasing the duration as they gain strength. As your baby lifts their head and pushes up with their arms, introduce toys or mirrors to capture their attention and encourage reaching and grasping movements.

Remember that tummy time’s an essential part of your baby’s growth and development, so make sure to incorporate it into your daily routine in a way that works best for you both.

Tips for Making Tummy Time Safe and Fun

To make tummy time safe and fun for your little one, try creating a colorful and stimulating environment with toys, mirrors, and soft blankets or mats.

You can use tummy time equipment like a Boppy pillow or a rolled-up towel to prop up your baby’s chest while they lay on their stomach. This will help them lift their head and strengthen their neck muscles.

During tummy time, engage your baby with fun activities like singing songs or reading books to them. You can also place brightly colored toys in front of them to encourage reaching and grasping.

A mirror is another great way to keep your baby entertained during tummy time as they love looking at their reflection. Remember to always supervise your baby during tummy time and never leave them unattended.

With these tips, you’ll be able to create an enjoyable experience for both you and your little one during tummy time!

Tracking Your Baby’s Progress with Tummy Time

It’s important to track your baby’s progress during tummy time so you can see how they’re developing and meeting their milestones.

Tummy time is crucial for babies as it helps them develop their motor skills, build their neck and shoulder muscles, and improve their coordination.

By tracking your baby’s progress during tummy time, you’ll be able to monitor if they’re hitting the appropriate developmental milestones for their age.

To track your baby’s progress during tummy time, observe how long they can hold up their head without any support. At around two months old, most babies should be able to lift their heads up for a few seconds while on their stomachs.

As they get older and stronger, they’ll gradually be able to hold their heads up higher and longer. You can also observe if your baby is pushing themselves up onto their forearms or hands during tummy time, which is another sign of good motor development.

Remember that every baby develops at his/her own pace so don’t worry too much if your little one takes a bit longer to hit these milestones – just keep encouraging them with regular tummy time sessions!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can tummy time be harmful for my newborn?

It’s important to prioritize tummy time safety when incorporating this activity into your newborn’s routine. While it may seem daunting or even unsafe, the benefits of tummy time are numerous and can greatly contribute to your little one’s development.

It helps strengthen their neck, shoulder, and back muscles as well as improve their motor skills. To ensure safety during tummy time, always supervise your baby and place them on a firm surface with no loose bedding or toys nearby.

Start with short periods of tummy time and gradually increase the length as they become more comfortable. Remember that every baby is different and may take some time to adjust, so be patient and consistent in implementing this essential activity into their daily routine.

How often and for how long should I do tummy time with my newborn?

To ensure that your newborn develops strong neck, shoulder and arm muscles, it’s highly recommended to do tummy time.

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests starting with a few minutes of tummy time two to three times daily and gradually increasing the duration as your baby grows older.

By 3 months old, aim for at least an hour of tummy time throughout the day.

Tummy time has numerous benefits such as improving motor skills, reducing the risk of flat spots on your baby’s head, and enhancing visual development.

So make sure to incorporate tummy time into your daily routine!

Is it okay to do tummy time right after feeding my newborn?

To avoid any discomfort or potential danger for your newborn, it’s recommended to wait at least 30 minutes after feeding before doing tummy time.

This allows your baby’s food to properly settle in their stomach and reduces the risk of spit up or choking.

However, if you’re looking for alternative positions to stimulate your baby’s development, you can try holding them upright against your chest or placing them on their back with a toy overhead.

Remember to always supervise your baby during tummy time or any other activity to ensure their safety.

Can I do tummy time on a bed or couch instead of the floor?

To switch things up from floor tummy time, you may be wondering if it’s okay to do tummy time on a bed or couch.

While it may seem like a cozy alternative, it’s important to note that both surfaces can pose risks for your newborn. A bed or couch is not as firm and stable as the floor, which means your baby is at risk of rolling over or falling off.

If you’re looking for alternatives to floor tummy time, try placing your baby on a safe play mat or blanket on the floor with toys and stimulating objects nearby. This will give them the opportunity to develop their strength and motor skills while remaining safe and secure.

What should I do if my newborn doesn’t seem to enjoy tummy time?

To encourage tummy time for your newborn, there are a few things you can try if your baby doesn’t seem to enjoy it.

First, make sure the environment is comfortable and safe. Lay out a soft blanket on the floor and place toys or objects near your baby’s head to catch their attention.

You can also try doing tummy time on your chest or lap to help them feel more secure. If they still resist, don’t force it – instead, try alternative activities that promote development such as holding them upright so they can see what’s going on around them or placing them in a bouncy seat.

Remember that every baby is different and may take some time to adjust to new experiences, so be patient and keep trying different approaches until you find what works best for your little one.


Now that you know the importance of tummy time for your newborn and when to start it, it’s time to prepare for this essential activity.

Make sure to choose a safe, clean, and comfortable surface for your baby to lie on. You can also use a soft mat or blanket to cushion them.

Remember that tummy time should be a fun bonding experience for you and your baby. Use toys or mirrors to encourage them to lift their head and explore their surroundings.

And don’t forget to keep track of your baby’s progress with tummy time, as it plays an important role in their physical development.

With these tips in mind, you can help your little one grow strong and healthy while enjoying precious moments together.

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