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Why does a newborn baby sleep with the mouth open

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Do you ever wonder why your newborn baby sleeps with their mouth open? It’s a common occurrence that many parents notice, but may not understand. The truth is, there are several reasons why a newborn may sleep this way.

One reason is that newborns are nose breathers, which means they primarily breathe through their nose. However, their nasal passages are very small and can easily become congested, making it difficult to breathe. Sleeping with their mouth open allows them to breathe easier and get the oxygen they need.

Another reason is that newborns have not yet developed the muscle control to keep their mouth closed while sleeping. As they grow and develop, they will eventually gain this ability and may stop sleeping with their mouth open. In the meantime, it’s completely normal for them to do so.

My daughter who is 6 years old used to sleep with the mouth after she was born. After contacting the pediatrician she informed me that it is normal for newborn. The newborns nose is usually blocked with mucus, and other things inside the womb. This takes time for the nose to be clear.

Causes of Newborns Sleeping with Mouth Open

When it comes to newborns, sleeping with the mouth open is a common occurrence. There are a few different reasons why this may happen.

Nasal Congestion

One of the most common causes of newborns sleeping with their mouth open is nasal congestion. Newborns have small nasal passages that can easily become blocked, especially if they have a cold or allergies. When this happens, they may breathe through their mouth to compensate for the lack of airflow through their nose.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Another possible cause of newborns sleeping with their mouth open is obstructive sleep apnea. This is a condition where the airway becomes blocked during sleep, causing the baby to wake up frequently throughout the night. Obstructive sleep apnea can be caused by a variety of factors, including enlarged tonsils or adenoids, obesity, or a genetic predisposition.

Anatomy of Newborns

Finally, the anatomy of newborns may also play a role in why they sleep with their mouth open. Newborns have small jaws and underdeveloped muscles in their face and throat, which can make it difficult for them to keep their mouth closed while sleeping. Additionally, the position of the tongue can also impact whether a newborn breathes through their nose or mouth while sleeping.

In summary, there are several reasons why newborns may sleep with their mouth open, including nasal congestion, obstructive sleep apnea, and their anatomy. If you’re concerned about your newborn’s breathing while sleeping, it’s always best to speak with your pediatrician to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

Effects of Sleeping with Mouth Open

When a newborn baby sleeps with their mouth open, it can have several effects on their health and comfort. Here are some of the potential issues that can arise:

Dry Mouth and Throat

Breathing through the mouth can cause the tissues in the mouth and throat to dry out, leading to discomfort and irritation. This can be especially problematic for newborns, who may have trouble communicating their discomfort and may be more prone to developing infections.

Increased Risk of Infection

When newborns sleep with their mouths open, they may be more vulnerable to infections. This is because the nose is the body’s primary defense against airborne germs and bacteria, and breathing through the mouth bypasses this natural filter. Additionally, a dry mouth and throat can make it easier for germs to take hold and multiply.

Disturbed Sleep and Discomfort

Sleeping with the mouth open can also lead to disturbed sleep and discomfort for newborns. Breathing through the mouth can cause snoring, which can disrupt sleep and lead to daytime fatigue. Additionally, a dry mouth and throat can cause discomfort and make it harder for newborns to settle into a deep, restful sleep.

In conclusion, sleeping with the mouth open can have several negative effects on newborns. It is important to monitor your baby’s sleeping habits and consult with a healthcare provider if you have concerns about their breathing or overall health.

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